If you’ve ever had a dream where your teeth fall out, you are all too familiar with the overwhelming relief you experience when you realize it was just a dream. A tooth injury can be a very stressful and unpleasant issue. The good news is, teeth injuries can be avoided by following the steps outlined in this article. We are going to look at some common teeth injuries and the steps you can take to avoid injury and keep your teeth healthy.
Chipped Tooth
Chipped teeth account for most dental injuries among people. A tiny chip in the tooth may not even cause any pain. Bigger chips can actually damage the nerve inside the tooth. Whether your chip is minor or large, you will know that you have a chip quite quickly. With a small chip, your tongue will feel the sharp edge where the piece is missing. With a larger tip, you will feel pain and sensitivity in the chipped area. A chipped or broken tooth can be painful (or just unsightly) and should be checked by your dentist.
Dislodged Tooth
A dislodged tooth has been dislodged from the socket. It might have been pushed back, forward, or to either side. The tooth is still connected, but might be loose. If you have a dislodged tooth it is important to make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. Typically, a dislodged tooth needs to be treated within a few hours of the accident to repair it completely.
Knocked-Out Tooth
A knocked-out tooth is self-explanatory; it is a tooth that has completely been knocked out of your mouth. This is a dental emergency because the number one priority is saving the tooth. Locating the tooth and placing it back in the socket is crucial to the later repair. If the tooth cannot be placed back in the socket, placing it in milk until you see a dentist will help save the tooth. If the tooth is not located or is not usable, there are many different advances that will allow a specialist to save your smile.
Obviously, these dental injuries are extreme but are all very common in adults and children. There are so many opportunities to injure your teeth/mouth in sports that it comes as no surprise that most teeth injuries happen during sporting activities. Young children are another population where teeth injuries are very common. Toddlers are learning how to walk and consequently fall or run into objects often. We want to prevent teeth injures before they happen. Here are a few ways to keep your teeth safe.
Good Oral Hygiene
Consistently practicing good oral hygiene will keep your teeth and gums healthy and strong; this will prevent injuries to teeth or allow your mouth to recover from injuries quickly. Good oral hygiene consists of brushing twice a day, flossing, and having regular check-ups with your dentist.
Mouth Guard
Using a mouth guard when playing sports or during extreme activities will keep your teeth safe. If most teeth injuries occur during sports, it makes sense to protect your teeth with a mouth guard. An injury to your teeth can be costly; investing in a mouth guard is essentially investing in your beautiful smile.
Supervise Young Children
Because young children are extremely susceptible to teeth injuries it is important to supervise them in risky situations. When babies are first learning to walk, don’t allow them to travel with objects that they could fall on and damage their teeth/mouth. This could be a sippy cup or toys that they are biting or chewing on. Supervising children when they are on a bed or around stairs will save them from an injury if they fall. The bathtub is an extremely vulnerable place because it is slippery. Supervising children carefully will prevent painful injuries that could impact their teeth. If an injury occurs, be sure to visit a pediatric dentist quickly so any long-term damage can be prevented.
Following preventative measures can save you from a costly and painful tooth injury. Practicing good oral hygiene, wearing a mouth guard, and supervising young children are all ways to avoid an unpleasant trip to the dentist.