The Ache That Just Won’t Quit – Understanding Toothaches

Toothaches are some of the most unpleasant pains to endure. They can be extremely painful and even devastating. The experience can vary from minor irritation to unbearable pain. They can disrupt your daily routine, making eating or speaking challenging. Dr. Glen Stephenson is an excellent dentist who can help all his patients find pain relief regarding their smiles. If you have been looking for a dentist for toothaches, look no further than Dr. Stephnson at Prevention Dental in Boise and Meridian, Idaho

A dentist for toothaches can sometimes be challenging, but with Dr. Stephenson, you can always expect the best care when you walk into our office. With our comfortable and relaxing waiting area and our advanced technology, you can get the care your smile needs no matter the reason for visiting our office. When visiting Prevention Dental, you will experience a team full of compassion and empathy, ready to answer any questions and help you during your dental emergency. If you are experiencing a toothache, our office is the place to go! We prioritize the comfort of our patients, employing empathetic care to alleviate pain and ensure a positive dental experience. Your oral health is our priority, and we are dedicated to serving the Boise and Meridian communities with excellence in emergency dentistry

When it comes to toothaches, knowing when to visit the dentist can be challenging. In this article, we will go over the causes of toothaches, common symptoms, at-home treatments, and when to visit our office. If you are still unsure if your toothache warrants a dental emergency, don’t hesitate to call our office, and we will be happy to help you figure out the best next step for you! 

What Causes Toothaches?

Toothaches can result from several factors, including: 

  1. Tooth Decay: Tooth decay refers to the gradual breakdown of the tooth caused by a combination of bacteria and acid produced by food.
  2. Infection: Infections can come in various forms, ranging from a cracked tooth to significant dental decay, which can damage the pulp and necessitate a root canal.
  3. Gum Disease: Gum disease results from the bacterial buildup in the gum surrounding the teeth.
  4. Injury: Toothaches caused by injuries, such as falls or direct trauma to the mouth, can result in immediate pain and discomfort, requiring prompt dental evaluation for diagnosis and treatment.

The severity and intensity of toothaches can vary in degree and type of pain. The most common is a dull, throbbing sensation that worsens over time. Dental pain can become sharp, shooting pain, often in response to specific stimuli, such as hot or cold food or drinks. It is imperative to note that if the pain radiates to your ears or jaw, you should contact our office immediately.

Common Symptoms of Toothaches

Toothaches present themselves differently for each patient, but here are some of the most common symptoms associated with pain in the mouth:

  • Pain that worsens when you bite down or apply pressure
  • Temperature sensitivity
  • Throbbing pain that can come and go
  • Swelling or tenderness in the gums
  • Fever or a general feeling of being unwell
  • Pain that travels to the ear, jaw, or other parts of the head 

At-Home Toothache Care

Maintaining a healthy oral hygiene routine is the primary way to avoid toothaches. Brushing twice daily, flossing daily, and using an alcohol-free mouthwash are essential. However, even with proper care, toothaches can still occur. In these instances, there are at-home treatments you can do to take care of your toothache.

  • Saltwater Rinse: A saltwater rinse can work wonders. Add a teaspoon of salt to warm water and swish it in your mouth for a few minutes, repeating as necessary throughout the day.
  • Temperature: Reducing the temperature of your diet can also help alleviate toothaches. Avoiding hot and cold foods and drinks can limit irritation to the tooth. Instead, opt for lukewarm or room-temperature items until the pain subsides. Additionally, chewing on ice or hard candy should be avoided as it can damage the teeth and increase the likelihood of tooth decay.
  • Pain Relievers: Numbing gels and over-the-counter pain relievers can also help with toothaches. Many products are readily available and can provide temporary relief. However, be mindful of the ingredients, as some gels and toothpaste contain alcohol or other substances that can worsen your toothache.
  • Rest: Believe it or not, sometimes, resting your head can also help soothe toothaches. Sleeping on the side opposite the painful tooth can alleviate pressure, thus reducing discomfort. Additionally, try to relax and take deep breaths, as stress can increase pain levels.

When to See the Dentist

Persistent toothaches are a sign that it’s time to see a dentist. Waiting too long can cause further damage to the tooth and exacerbate the problem. When the pain is unbearable and gets in the way of daily activities, seeking medical attention is critical. The following is a guide to help you know when to schedule an appointment, what to expect, and aftercare tips to help ensure the health of your smile. 

Schedule a Dental Appointment ASAP for a Toothache

If you’re experiencing tooth pain that doesn’t go away or worsens over time, scheduling a dental appointment as soon as possible is essential. Ignoring the pain can make the underlying issue worse, and it may even result in tooth loss. When you call our dental office, mention the severity of your toothache and any accompanying symptoms. We may ask for additional details, such as how long you’ve had the pain and if you’re experiencing sensitivity to hot or cold beverages or food. 

What to Expect During Your Dental Visit

When you arrive for your dental appointment, Dr. Glen Stephenson will examine your teeth carefully to determine the source of the toothache. They may use X-rays or additional diagnostic tools to rule out underlying issues like cavities, gum disease, or infections. 

Once the cause of the toothache is identified, Dr. Stephenson will discuss treatment options with you. Depending on the severity of the issue, treatment may require additional visits, such as a root canal, tooth extraction, or prescription medication. 

Aftercare Tips for Toothaches

After your dental appointment, Dr. Stephenson will guide you on caring for your teeth and managing pain or discomfort. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind:

  • Follow Dr. Glen Stephenson’s instructions for pain medication and antibiotics
  • Avoid hard, crunchy foods that can aggravate the toothache
  • Brush and floss daily, but be gentle around the affected area
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a desensitizing toothpaste
  • Apply a cold compress to the outside of your cheek to reduce swelling and pain

Dentist for Toothaches in Boise and Meridian, ID

Toothaches can significantly impact our daily lives, and it’s essential to manage them through routine dental check-ups and proper self-care practices. Our dedicated team understands the urgency of addressing toothaches caused by various factors, including injuries, and is committed to providing prompt relief and comprehensive solutions. Whether it’s a sudden injury or persistent tooth pain, our experienced dentists utilize advanced diagnostic tools and evidence-based treatments to accurately identify the underlying causes of toothaches and implement effective solutions. 

Don’t let a toothache compromise your well-being; contact our office immediately and take the first step toward relief, comfort, and optimal oral health. Dr. Glen Stephenson and his team are your go-to partners in dental care; we provide the expertise and compassionate service you deserve, ensuring that toothaches are addressed promptly and comprehensively, allowing you to regain a pain-free and healthy smile.