Keeping Your Teeth Healthy with a Family Dentist

We all know oral health is essential, but did you know that maintaining your teeth and gums goes beyond just a beautiful smile? It’s vital to take care of your teeth to ensure your overall health and well-being. This is where a family dentist comes in handy! A family dentist is a dental professional who cares for oral health for all ages—the young and the old! They could be your dentist, your child’s dentist, and even your grandpa’s dentist. At Prevention Dental in Boise and Meridian, Idaho, our family dentist provides you and your whole family the dental care you need and deserve. 

Looking For the Right Family Dentist

Looking for a family dentist can be stressful. Still, our excellent dentist, Dr. Glen Stephenson, is there to ensure you and your family receive proper and personalized care, ensuring you feel comfortable throughout your appointment. You don’t have to take our word for it; read our patient’s testimonials, like one from Joanna Henry, 

“Always a great experience for me and my family. They are a caring staff and always able to accommodate our needs. My husband has never liked going to the dentist, or could I ever get him to go, but Dr. Stephenson and his staff have changed his mind! Now he goes for all routine visits.”

From the moment you walk into our office, we are there for you and provide a caring experience for you and the whole family. Our family dentist is there for you every step of the way. 

Checking the Location

When looking for a family dentist, location is everything. Having a dentist too far away can cause inconvenience and not be worth going at all. However, if you live in the Boise and Meridian areas, we are an excellent location to come to for your and your family’s oral health needs. We serve a vast area in Idaho and are here to provide advanced comfort, something we pride ourselves in, and ensure we know what is necessary to help each patient in our office. 

Visiting Our Office

Ensure you are taking your family to the best family dentist by scheduling an appointment with us. By scheduling an appointment, you can visit the dentist, get to know our knowledgeable staff, and meet our friendly and upbeat family dentist, Dr. Stephenson. Dr. Stephenson is highly educated and has had a passion for dentistry since his youth. He strives to ensure each patient leaves feeling satisfied and happy with the care they receive during their appointment. 

Benefits of a Family Dentist

Convenience and Family-Focused Care

The first benefit of having a family dentist is convenience. Imagine running all over town to different dentists based on age and needs. With a family dentist, you only need to make one stop for everyone in your household. One of the most significant advantages of having a family dentist is the family-focused care you receive. They are equipped to deal with children who may be experiencing anxiety or an older family member who has unique dental needs. Dr. Stephenson has trained to handle these cases with the appropriate care and attention. With our dentist’s training, your family can relax and trust in your dentist at Prevention Dental to take care of all your oral health needs, making it a more enjoyable experience for everyone.

Early Detection and Prevention

Another key benefit of having a family dentist is that early detection and prevention of dental problems becomes more accessible. Catching dental problems early can prevent more serious, expensive issues from developing later in life, meaning a more affordable and accessible dental care regime for your family. Dr. Stephenson will be familiar with your dental history and can track changes in your teeth over time. The reason for this being excellent is that this puts him in a great position to initiate early detection and prevention measures to nip any oral problems in the bud. 

Wider Range of Services

Family dentists offer various services that can cater to everyone in your household. From routine check-ups and cleanings to orthodontic services, fillings, and extractions to cosmetic dentistry, a family dentist provides many benefits that cater to all your dental needs. In addition, our office is equipped with the latest dental technology to ensure that our services are of the highest quality.

  • Routine Check-ups: Get the necessary preventative care you and your family need by scheduling regular bi-annual check-ups. Check-ups are essential in maintaining and catching oral health problems in time, avoiding the chances of them worsening and causing severe damage. During your check-up, we will also provide professional dental cleaning, ensuring your smile is fully healthy. 
  • Restorative Dentistry: Restoring your smile is an excellent way to fix issues that occur, like cavities or even the loss of a tooth. From dental fillings to dental implants, we can help restore your smile and bring proper function and a pain-free smile back to your life. 
  • Cosmetic Dentistry: Having missing, misshapen, or severely discolored teeth can be embarrassing and frustrating. With cosmetic dentistry, your family dentist can help you fix the aesthetic of your smile with cosmetic fixes like dental veneers or teeth whitening. 

Builds Relationships and Trust

When you have a family dentist, you build relationships and trust with dental professionals who understand your unique oral health needs. We have had patients who have stated they feel like coming in for dental care is like going to a family reunion, as everyone greets them and remembers who they are. This is important because it makes regular dental visits more comfortable and enjoyable—yes, enjoyable! Dr. Glen Stephenson will get to know you and your family’s dental health goals and work with you to help you achieve them. As a result, you can expect a better quality of care and overall support for your family’s oral health.

Ensures Good Habits

A family dentist can also provide educational resources on maintaining good oral health habits. Keeping your smile healthy makes it easier for your family to take proactive measures to ensure good dental health, like:

  • Brushing: Brush your teeth twice daily, ensuring your smile stays healthy and clean. You can use a soft bristle brush and even have fun with toothpaste flavors to keep brushing your teeth fun and not a tedious two-minute chore. To help your children keep engaged, you can put on music and even brush your teeth with them! 
  • Flossing: Floss your teeth once daily. Your toothbrush cannot reach every part of your mouth, so flossing is essential to get into the small crevices between your teeth to eliminate the food particles. 
  • Healthy Food: Ensure your diet contains nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables and not so much sugar. Sugar is good, but too much is unhealthy for your body and smile, so try limiting your sugar intake. Moderation is key regarding the types of foods you eat, after all. 
  • Stop Bad Habits: Do not use your teeth as a tool. Using your teeth to open things or bite onto hard objects is something you should not be doing as hard objects or using your teeth as a tool to open something will damage your teeth. 

It may seem simple, but building good practices within your family goes a long way toward protecting your oral health for years to come.

Family Dentist in Meridian and Boise, ID

If you have been looking for a family dentist, look no further than Dr. Glen Stephenson at Prevention Dental. Our excellent dentist is family-focused, provides early detection and prevention, and ensures a wide range of services to help you and your family with your smiles. So, are you ready to get the care you and your family need? Please schedule an appointment with our fantastic family dentist today! Your family deserves nothing but the best oral healthcare!