Are Boise Tooth Extractions Considered Surgery?

In dentistry, the term “surgery” often conjures images of complex dental procedures and serious interventions. Yet, the commonality of tooth extractions sometimes blurs this distinction. Whether it’s a routine procedure or a complex extraction, understanding the surgical nature of tooth removal is crucial for patients’ peace of mind and dental health. Join us in this comprehensive exploration to understand more about tooth extractions in Boise.

Understanding Tooth Extractions

The extraction, or ‘pulling,’ of teeth is one of the oldest dental procedures. It is a process by which we remove a tooth from its socket in the bone. Tooth extractions are synonymous with pain and discomfort for many, but when performed correctly, they are essential to overall dental health.

Defining the Process

Tooth extraction can be necessary for various reasons, such as tooth decay, infection, or crowding. However, it’s essential to understand that the extraction process involves using specific tools, anesthesia, and, sometimes, stitches.

Simple vs. Surgical Extractions

There are two primary methods of tooth extraction: simple and surgical. A simple extraction involves a tooth visible in the mouth, with forceps used to loosen and remove the tooth. In comparison, surgical extractions are more complex, requiring an incision into the gum to access teeth that may be broken off at the gum line or partially erupted.

The Surgical Nature of Tooth Extractions

Tooth extractions are, by definition and practice, a form of surgery. This is more than just a technicality; it reflects the care and precision required to perform the procedure safely and effectively.

Why Are Tooth Extractions Surgical?

The following characteristics determine the surgical aspect of tooth extractions:

  • The involvement of bone manipulation
  • The necessity of an incision or other forms of soft tissue surgical procedures
  • The post-procedural care required

Even though some tooth extractions may be routine, they share significant similarities with traditional surgical procedures.

Routine vs. Surgical Extractions

Understanding whether a tooth extraction is routine or surgical depends on the complexity of the procedure. A general dentist can typically perform a routine extraction. Conversely, surgical extractions often necessitate the expertise of an oral surgeon.

Implications for Prevention Dental Patients

Knowledge is power, especially in the realm of dental care. Understanding that a tooth extraction entails a surgical element empowers patients to make informed decisions and approach the procedure and recovery with appropriate preparation and respect.

Importance of Awareness

Patients at Prevention Dental should be aware that even the most routine extraction is a form of minor surgery. This awareness can alter perceptions of the procedure and help ensure that patients adhere to any pre- and post-operative instructions.

What To Expect

There are several steps involved in this procedure that can effectively extract a troublesome tooth without causing significant discomfort or pain. After administering a local anesthetic, Dr. Stephenson will carefully loosen the tooth using specialized tools before gently pulling it out of the gums. 

You might notice a small amount of bleeding after the extraction, so we advise patients to bite on gauze to help stop excess bleeding. With the proper care and precautions, tooth extraction can be a safe and effective solution for persistent dental issues.

Dr. Stephenson has 26 years of surgical experience with 20 years of sedation services. So you are in great hands!

The Value of Aftercare

The post-extraction period is vital for successful healing. This phase of recovery involves:

  • Following a specific diet
  • Taking prescribed medications
  • Adhering to particular dental hygiene practices

Patients must follow post-extraction protocols carefully to minimize the risk of complications.

Boise Tooth Extractions 

Understanding that tooth extractions are indeed a form of surgery may alleviate some concerns and misconceptions about this standard dental procedure. Patients can always seek our advice when faced with a recommendation for a dental procedure. It’s important to remember that “surgery” doesn’t necessarily equate to complexity or danger but rather to a recognized procedure requiring skill and care.

This knowledge should encourage Prevention Dental patients to approach extractions as serious medical events deserving attention to detail and thorough aftercare. By doing so, patients can ensure that they get through the extraction process and set the stage for better dental health in the long term. Contact us today and schedule your consultation with Dr. Glen Stephenson, including any of our quality dental services, such as cosmetic, preventative, and family dentistry in Boise, Idaho.